Feeders can be placed under the primary hopper by which the system is first fed, and can be placed at the below side of secondary hoppers which are used for regular feeding. Feeders also can be used underneath of tunnel or can be placed underneath the stock hoppers. Their size and capacities may change according to their position.
Primary system feeders are commonly used with by-pass grizzly. In the vibrator-based drive systems, the by-pass grizzly drive is independent. In that case, when the speed of the feeding is reduced, the speed of the by-pass grizzly will not be affected. It will continue to work efficiently. The entire surface on which the vibrators are connected is machined by GURSAN.
Secondary vibrating feeders can be placed in front of the crusher for proper feeding. They are offered to customers with various types of hopper capacities. Secondary-type feeders are produced with rod gates for maintenance and flow adjustment. The drive is with electro vibrators. Material flow can be adjusted by an optional flap which is in the discharge part or by setting the frequency and amplitude of the eccentrical weights. Under the tunnel, applications are also available.